Idiom Index O

The Big O
five o'clock shadow
take oath
under oath
feeling his oats
sow wild oats
much obliged
rise to the occasion
it occurs to me
against all odds
at odds
give you odds
odd one
odds and ends
the odd one
odds-on favorite
the odds-on favorite
give off an odor
a barrel of laughs
a bed of roses
a beehive of activity
a breath of fresh air
a breath of wind
a bunch of malarkey
a bundle of nerves
a case of
a chunk of change
a clean bill of health
a dickens of a time
a different kettle of fish
a few bricks short of a full load
a fresh pair of eyes
a gaggle of geese
a ghost of a chance
a grain of salt
a grain of truth
a hell of a time
a hill of beans
a horse of a different color
a lot of bunk
a lot of folderol
a man of few words
a man of the cloth
a matter of life and death
a month of Sundays
a pack of lies
a piece of ass [B]
a piece of cake
a piece of my mind
a piece of piss
a piece of tail [B]
a piece of the action
a pinch of coon shit [B]
a pinch of salt
a pocket of resistance
a question of
a rough time of it
a sack of hammers
a shadow of his former self
a slip of the tongue
a spot of tea
a stitch of clothes
a touch of
a tough time of it
a tower of strength
a whale of a game
a window of opportunity
above and beyond the call of duty
age of majority
ahead of the curve
ahead of the game
all walks of life
an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
apple of his eye
as a matter of fact
as dumb as a sack of hammers
as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar
at the crack of dawn
at the drop of a hat
at the end of my rope/ at the end of my tether
at the hands of
at the top of her game
at the top of his voice
away out of line
bag of tricks
balance of power
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
become of
beehive of activity
benefit of the doubt
best of both worlds
bevy of beauties
beyond the call of duty
birds of a feather flock together
blow it out of proportion
blow you out of the water
bone of contention
breath of fresh air
breath of wind
breathe a sigh of relief
bundle of nerves
butt of the joke
by dint of
by the seat of your pants
by the skin of their teeth
by word of mouth
can of worms
case of
cat's out of the bag
chain of command
chairman of the boards (hockey)
change of heart
chunk of change
clean bill of health
come down on like a ton of bricks
come of
come of age
come to think of it
coming out of our ears
coming out of your yin yang
courtesy of
crack of dawn
cream of the crop
crux of the matter
cup of tea
day of the family farm
deked out of his jock
dickens of a time
didn't have a stitch of clothes on
discretion is the better part of valor
dog days of summer
don't give me any of your lip
don't know the half of it
don't make a mountain out of a molehill
drop out of sight
dumb as a sack of hammers
easy time of it
eat out of the palm of your hand
eat you out of house and home
end of the line
every walk of life
eye of a needle
eye of the storm
faint of heart
fickle finger of fate
fingers the size of bananas
fly by the seat of your...
fly in the face of
for the fun of it
for the life of me
force of habit
frame of mind
fresh pair of eyes
from the bottom of my heart
fucked by the fickle finger of fate [B]
full of herself
full of it [B]
full of piss and vinegar [B]
Gang of Four
get a bang out of
get a charge out of
get a hold of
get a kick out of
get a load of that
get out of
get out of my face
get out of the road
get out of town
get out of your hair
get rid of
get something out of
get the hang of
get the lay of the land
get to the bottom of
get to the root of the problem
get up a head of steam
get up on the wrong side of bed
get wind of
get your head out of the clouds
gift of the gab (gift of gab)
give him a taste of his own medicine
gnashing of teeth
go by the name of
go out of your mind
go out of your way
go the way of the dodo
God bless the Duke of Argyle
grain of salt
grinning like a bushel basketful of possum heads
Group of Five
Group of Seven
happy as a box of birds
hard of hearing
has a mind of his own
have a case of
have the makings of
hell of a time
hill of beans
hit speeds of
horse of a different color
if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
in point of fact
in the back of my mind
in the lap of luxury
in the nick of time
in the wink of an eye
in two shakes (of a lamb's tail)
it's a case of
it's a matter of life and death
it's been a slice (of life)
it's not a question of
jack of all trades
jump out of your skin
kettle of fish
kiss of death
knock the wind out of his sails
know like the back of your hand
lap of luxury
lay of the land
lesser of two evils
let go of
let the cat out of the bag
life is just a bowl of cherries
life of Riley
life of the party
light at the end of the tunnel
like a bat out of hell
like a ton of bricks
line of authority
long and the short of it
long arm of the law
lose my train of thought
lose sight of
luck of the draw
luck of the Irish
make a big deal of it
make a clean breast of it
make a federal case of it
make a go of it
make a mountain out of a mole hill
make a point of
make fun of
make light of
make mincemeat of
make of it
make sense of it
make something of it
make something of yourself
make the most of it
makings of
man of few words
man of the cloth
matter of life and death
meeting of minds
middle of the road
mind of his own
moment of truth
money is the root of all evil
month of Sundays
necessity is the mother of invention
neck of the woods
nerves of steel
next of kin
nine times out of ten
none of your lip
nose is out of joint
not a question of
not by any stretch of the imagination
of course you can
of the lot
of two minds
off the top of my head
on behalf of
on the edge of your seat
on the spur of the moment
on the tip of my tongue
on top of
one brick short of a full load
one hell of a time
one of the boys
open a can of worms
open up a big can of whoop-ass
ounce of prevention
out of
out of bounds
out of breath
out of circulation
out of commission
out of context
out of control
out of hand
out of harm's way
out of here (outa here)
out of his element
out of hock
out of it
out of joint
out of kilter
out of line
out of luck
out of my depth
out of my hair
out of my head
out of nowhere
out of order
out of our hands
out of patience
out of place
out of pocket
out of range
out of sight (outa sight)
out of sight
out of sight, out of mind
out of sorts
out of step
out of the ball park
out of the blue
out of the closet
out of the corner of my eye
out of the goodness of my heart
out of the loop
out of the norm
out of the picture
out of the question
out of the way
out of the woods
out of the woodwork
out of this world
out of touch
out of tune (music)
out of whack
out of wind
out of work
out of your gourd
out of your mind
out of your tree
peace of mind
pick of the litter
piece of ass [B]
piece of cake
piece of me
piece of my mind
piece of piss
piece of tail [B]
pinch of coon shit [B]
pinch of salt
pit of my stomach
pocket of resistance
point of no return
point of view
pot of gold
pound of flesh
presence of mind
proof of the pudding...
put out of its misery
question of
reject out of hand
root of the problem
row of beans
rule of thumb
run of the mill
run out of patience
run out of town
runt of the litter
sack of hammers
salt of the earth
scare the life out of me
scared out of my wits
school of hard knocks
scrape the bottom of the barrel
see the light of day
sense of humor
set of wheels
shades of
shit out of luck [B]
short end of the stick
sick of
six of one, half a dozen of the other
slip of the tongue
slug of
smack of
snatch victory from the jaws of defeat
solid as the Rock of Gibraltar
sometimes life is a bucket of shit and the handle is inside [B]
speak highly of
speak of the devil
spice of life
spot of tea
state of mind
state of the art
step out of line
stitch of clothes on
string of good luck
stroke of genius
stroke of good luck
take a round out of
take advantage of
take care of
take care of business
take it with a grain of salt
take leave of your senses
take with a grain of salt
talk the leg off the lamb of God
taste of his own...
teach you the tricks of the trade
tender age of
that's a crock (of shit) [B]
the age of majority
the apple of his eye
the balance of power
the benefit of the doubt
the best-laid plans of mice and men go oft astray
the best of both worlds
the butt of the joke
the call of duty
the cat's out of the bag
the crack of dawn
the crux of the matter
the day of the family farm
the end of the line
the eye of a needle
the eye of the storm
the fickle finger of fate
the gift of the gab (the gift of gab)
the grass is greener on the other side of the fence
The Group of Five/The Regina Five
The Group of Seven
the lap of luxury
the last of it
the lay of the land
the life of Riley
the life of the party
the long and the short of it
the long arm of the law
the luck of the draw
the luck of the Irish
the makings of
the moment of truth
the pick of the litter
the picture of health
the pit of my stomach
the point of no return
the proof of the pudding is in the eating
the root of the problem
the runt of the litter
the salt of the earth
the school of hard knocks
the short end of the stick
the spice of life
the talk of the town
the tender age of
the tip of the iceberg
the tricks of the trade
the turn of the century
the whole ball of wax
there's something rotten in the state of Denmark
think better of it
think nothing of it
think the world of
three slices short (of a full loaf)
time is of the essence
tip of my tongue
tip of the hat
tip of the iceberg
tired of
to the best of my knowledge
ton of bricks
top of the morning
touch of
tower of strength
train of thought
tricks of the trade
tub of guts
turn of the century
twist of fate
under the influence of alcohol
vale of tears (valley of tears)
variety is the spice of life
vote of thanks
wake up on the wrong side of bed
walk of life
want a piece of me
want to make something of it
warped sense of humor
wash your hands of it
way out of line (away out of line)
whale of a game
what in the name of heaven
what was I thinking of
why in the name of...
window of opportunity
without a stitch of clothes on
without a word of a lie
wonder of wonders
word of honor
word of mouth
work of art
wouldn't say shit if her mouth was full of it [B]
you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear
you're full of it [B]
a chip off the old block
a little hair off the dog
a little off
back off
be off
beat the pants off
beg off
better off
bit off
bite off more than you can chew
blow the lid off
break off
bring it off
browned off
brush it off
buzz off
call off
call off the dogs
carry it off
catch you off guard
cheesed off
chip off the old block
come down off your high horse
come off
come off it
cool off
cut him off [B]
cut off
cut off your nose to spite your face
dash off a note/letter
die off
drop off
eat high off the hog
fall off the wagon
finish off
first off
fly off the handle
fuck off [B]
get it off your chest
get off
get off a few good ones
get off my back
get off my case
get off on
get off the ground
get off to a good start
get off your high horse
get off your soap box
get this monkey off my back
give off an odor
give you the shirt off his back
gloves are off
go off half-cocked
go off the deep end
goof off
hair off the dog that bit you
hats off
hit it off
hose it down/ hose it off
hot off the press
jerk off [B]
kill off
kiss it off
kiss off
knock it off
knock off
knock your socks off
laid off
laugh it off
laugh your head off
lay off
let off
let off steam
lip off
live off
log off
make off with
monkey off my back
mouth off
no skin off my nose
off color
off key (music)
off kilter
off my back
off the bat
off the beaten track
off the cuff
off the deep end
off the hook
off the kitchen etc.
off the mark
off the record
off the shelf
off the top of my head
off the wagon
off the wall
off to a bad start
off to a good start
off to the races
off topic
off with
off with you
off your high horse
off your rocker
pass off
pay off
pinch off a loaf [B]
piss off [B]
pissed off [B]
polish off/polish it off
pull it off
put off
put you off your game
right off the bat
ring off the hook
ripped off
roll off the tongue
run off
run off at the mouth
saw off a chunk [B]
scrape me off the ceiling
set off
shit or get off the pot
shoot your mouth off
show off
shrug it off
sign off
sleep it off
sluff off
sound off
spell you off
square off
suck off [B]
swear off
sweep you off your feet
take a load off your feet
take a strip off
take my hat off to
take my head off
take off
take off, eh
take the chill off
talk the leg off the lamb of God
talk your ear off
talk your head off
tear a strip off
teed off
tell him off
tell him where to get off
the gloves are off
the wheels fall off
ticked off
time off
to top it off
top it off
touch off
wash it off
wear off
well off
whack off [B]
wheels fall off
where do they get off
wipe that smile off your face
work my buns off
work off
work your ass off [B]
work your buns off
write it off
a bit off/a bit mental
no offense, but...
take offense
an offer I couldn't refuse
make an offer
offer I couldn't refuse
upon the words offhandedly spoken
branch office
run for office
in the offing
pair off/pair up
polish off/polish it off
offside (hockey)
the best-laid plans of mice and men go oft astray
boy, oh boy
oh my gosh
burn the midnight oil
fly in the ointment
okay, OK
okay, OK
a chip off the old block
an old hand at
an old warhorse
any old thing
at the ripe old age
chip off the old block
everything old is new again
my old man
Old Boys' Club
old coot
old flame
old goat
old hat
old man
old money
old wives' tale
teach an old dog...
the old college try
the old man
you can't teach an old dog new tricks
a contract out on
a crush on
a fly on the wall
a freeze on
a glow on
a lot on the ball
a new lease on life
a play on words
a takeoff on
as plain as the nose on your face
as useless as tits on a boar
ass on the line
back on your feet
bang on
bank on
beat up on
bet on
bet on a lame rooster
bone up on
brush up on
call on
can't put my finger on it
can't put my hands on it
carry on
cash on the barrelhead
cash on the line
catch on
catch up on
cheat on
check up on
chicken on a June bug
chip on his shoulder
clean up on
clouds on the horizon
come down on like a ton of bricks
come on
come on strong
contract out on
count on
crack down on
crawl on my hands and knees over broken glass just to see her photo
crush on
cut my teeth on
dawn on me
dead on
didn't have a stitch of clothes on
do a number on
don't know which side your bread is buttered on
down on his luck
drag on
dream on
dump on
egg me on
egg on my face
fall flat on my face
fall on deaf ears
fall on your sword
feast your eyes on
fly on the wall
gang up on
get a fix on
get a grip on yourself
get a handle on
get a move on
get good wood on
get in on it
get in on the ground floor
get it on
get off on
get on in years
get on it
get on my good side
get on my nerves
get on with it
get on your horse
get the drop on
get the jump on
get this show on the road
get up on the wrong side of bed
getting on in years
glow on
go back on
go down on [B]
go easy on
go on
go on about
go out on a limb
good on you
good wood on it
got a corner on
got a crush on
got my eye on
got the rags on [B]
grow on you
hair stand on end
hands on
hang on
hang on every word
hang on like grim death
hard on me
haul up on the carpet
have a crush on
have designs on
have my eye on
have one on me
head on
heat is on
high on the hog
hire on
hit on
hit on all cylinders
hit the nail on the head
hold on
hot on the trail
hot on your heels
icing on the cake
it has your name on it
it's as plain as the nose on your face
Johnny on the spot
joke is on you
keep a lid on it
keep an eye on
keep on
keep on trucking
keep tabs on
keep you on track
keep your hair on
keep your shirt on
King Shit on Turd Island
know which side your bread is buttered on
land on your feet
lay eyes on
lay it on
lay it on the line
lay on
lead you on
let on
lie down on the job
life on the edge
lights are on but...
like a chicken on a June bug
live on
live on the edge
log on
look down on
low on the totem pole
make your hair stand on end
miss out on
money doesn't grow on trees
new kid on the block
new lease on life
not on your life
not on your tintype
on a full stomach
on a lark
on a pedestal
on a roll
on a silver platter
on a string
on about
on all fours
on an empty stomach
on approval
on behalf of
on board
on cloud nine
on deck
on drugs
on edge
on even terms
on fire
on good terms
on his last legs
on his tail
on in years
on loan
on moral grounds
on my back
on my best behavior
on my case
on my deathbed
on my good side
on my plate
on my way
on my word
on our last legs
on parade
on parole
on pins and needles
on probation
on purpose
on queer street
on schedule
on shaky ground
on short notice
on side
on speaking terms
on tap
on target
on tenterhooks
on the back burner
on the ball
on the bandwagon
on the beat
on the books
on the bright side
on the brink
on the bubble
on the button
on the carpet
on the clock
on the cutting edge
on the dot
on the double
on the edge of your seat
on the fence
on the fringe
on the fritz
on the go
on the ground floor
on the heels
on the lam
on the limp
on the loose
on the make
on the mark
on the market
on the mend
on the money
on the move
on the outs
on the QT
on the rails
on the rise
on the road
on the run
on the same wavelength
on the shit list [B]
on the side
on the sly
on the spot
on the spur of the moment
on the stand
on the table
on the take
on the throne
on the tip of my tongue
on the up and up
on the verge
on the wagon
on the wane
on the whole
on the wing
on thin ice
on time
on top of
on track
on trial
on vacation
on your ass [B]
on your deathbed
on your guard
on your own
on your side
on your toes
on your way
one on one
out on a limb
out on the town
pass on
pat on the back
pick on
pin your hopes on
piss on them [B]
place on a pedestal
plain as the nose on your face
play a joke on
play a prank on
play a trick on
play on my heart strings
play on words
pour it on
press on
put a different slant on it
put a hex on me
put a lid on it
put it on the bill
put me on
put my finger on it
put my neck on the line
put on a pedestal
put on airs
put on the dog
put the finishing touches on
put the heat on
put the kibosh on
put the right spin on it
put too fine a point on
putting me on
putting on the ritz
quick on the draw
rain on their parade
rat on
rattle on
read up on
rest on your laurels
right on
right on the money
say what's on your mind
set the world on fire
set your teeth on edge
shake on it
shed a little light on
shuck on down to the fraidy hole
shuffle the chairs on the deck
sit in judgement on
skate on thin ice
sold on
soldier on
spot on
spur on
stand on ceremony
step on his dick
step on it
step on people
step on their toes
step on your dick
stitch of clothes on
stop on a dime
strike out on your own
stuck on
sweet on
take it easy on
take it out on
take on
take on a new light
takeoff on
tell on
the grass is greener on the other side of the fence
the handwriting is on the wall
the heat is on
the joke is on you
the lights are on but nobody's home
this one is on me
throw cold water on
throw on a dog for you
throw some light on
tie one on
time on your hands
touch on
tough on me
try it on
try that on for size
turn on a dime
turn on you
turn the tables on
turn you on
turn your back on
up on
wait on customers
wait on tables
wait on you hand and foot
wake up on the wrong side of bed
walk on eggshells
wear your heart on your sleeve
what's going on
window on the world
with bells on
without a stitch of clothes on
worship the ground she walks on
you and the horse you rode in on
you're on
at once
once in a blue moon
once upon a time
give it the once-over
the once-over
a game one
a short one
a tall one
all your eggs in one basket
at one fell swoop
at one time
back to square one
chalk one up for you
dance with the one who brought you
day one
don't put all your eggs in one basket
from day one
from square one
game one
get off a few good ones
go one better
Great One
have one on me
hole in one (golf)
in one ear and out the other
in one fell swoop
it takes one to know one
kill two birds (with one stone)
kiss that one goodbye
let one
look out for number one
number one
odd one
one and the same
one at a time
one born every minute
one brick short of a full load
one by one
one false move
one fell swoop
one for the money, two for the show...
one for the road
one hell of a time
one man's garbage is another man's art
one man's meat is another man's poison
one of the boys
one on one
short one
six of one, half a dozen of the other
square one
takes one to know one
tall one
tell me another one
The Great One
the odd one
the one that got away
there's more than one way to skin a cat
there's one born every minute
this one is on me
tie one on
two for one
two heads are better than one
one-track mind
beauty is only skin deep
if only
winning isn't everything; it's the only thing
you're only as good as your last shift
come onside
come onto
glom onto
onto something
onto us
photo op
if a mussel doesn't open don't eat it
keep an eye open
keep an open mind
leave the door open
leave yourself open
open a can of worms
open a window
open and shut
open mind
open season
open some doors
open to criticism
open to question
open up
open up a big can of whoop-ass
for openers
a golden opportunity
a window of opportunity
golden opportunity
seize the opportunity
window of opportunity
apple-pie order
ducks in a row (ducks in order)
in order
out of order
pecking order
cross over to the other side
do unto others as you would have them do unto you
drop the other shoe
in one ear and out the other
it's a whole other world out there
look the other way
made for each other
other fish to fry
six of one, half a dozen of the other
the grass is greener on the other side of the fence
turn the other cheek
turn the other way
wait for the other shoe to drop
an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
ounce of prevention
coming out of our ears
on our last legs
out of our hands
tighten our belts
kill ourselves laughing
a bawling out
a contract out on
a falling out
act out
all decked out
away out
away out of line
back out
bail me out
bail out
bawl me out
black out
blow it out of proportion
blow it out your ear
blow you out of the water
blurt out
bomb out
bottom fell out
bottom out
bow out
branch out
break out
break out in a rash
burn out
bust out
butt out
buy out
carry out
cash up/cash out
cat's out of the bag
check it out
check out
check this out
chew him out
chill out
clean me out
clear out
come out in the wash
come out with
coming out of our ears
coming out of your yin yang
conk out
contract out on
cop out
crank out
cry her heart out
cry your eyes out
cut it out
cut out for
day in, day out
deck out
deked out of his jock
dish it out
don't make a mountain out of a molehill
down and out
drag it out
drop out
drop out of sight
dry out
duck out
duke it out
eat out
eat out of the palm of your hand
eat you out of house and home
eat your heart out
eke out a living
falling out
far out
faze me out
figure out
fill out
find out
flake out
flat out
flesh out
flunk out
for crying out loud
found out
freak/freak out
fresh out
full out
get a bang out of
get a charge out of
get a kick out of
get out
get out of
get out of my face
get out of the road
get out of town
get out of your hair
get reamed out
get something out of
get the lead out
get the word out
get the wrinkles out
get your head out of the clouds
give out
give you an out
go out of your mind
go out of your way
go out on a limb
go out with
hand out
hang out
hang you out to dry
have it out
have my work cut out
head out
hear me out
help out
hold out for
how are you making out
how it plays out
if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
in one ear and out the other
in's and out's
inside out
iron out
it phased me out
it's a jungle out there
it's a whole nother world out there
it's a whole other world out there
jam/jam out
jump out of your skin
keep an eye out
keep out
knock out
knock the wind out of his sails
knock them down, drag them out
knock you out
knocked out
know inside out
leaf out
leave out
leave out in the cold
left out in the cold
let it all hang out
let the cat out of the bag
like a bat out of hell
look out
look out for
look out for number one
lose out
luck out
make a mountain out of a mole hill
make out
mete out
miss out on
nine times out of ten
nose is out of joint
on the outs
out and out
out cold
out for blood
out in left field
out in the cold
out loud
out of
out of bounds
out of breath
out of circulation
out of commission
out of context
out of control
out of hand
out of harm's way
out of here (outa here)
out of his element
out of hock
out of it
out of joint
out of kilter
out of line
out of luck
out of my depth
out of my hair
out of my head
out of nowhere
out of order
out of our hands
out of patience
out of place
out of pocket
out of range
out of sight (outa sight)
out of sight
out of sight, out of mind
out of sorts
out of step
out of the ball park
out of the blue
out of the closet
out of the corner of my eye
out of the goodness of my heart
out of the loop
out of the norm
out of the picture
out of the question
out of the way
out of the woods
out of the woodwork
out of this world
out of touch
out of tune (music)
out of whack
out of wind
out of work
out of your gourd
out of your mind
out of your tree
out on a limb
out on the town
out to get you
out to lunch
out to win
over and out
pan out
pass out
peter out
phase me out
pig out
play out
point out
pour out your soul
price out
psych out
pull it out
pull out all the stops
pull the rug out
punch your lights out
push the boat out
put out
put out about
put out feelers
put out of its misery
put yourself out
reach out
ream out
reject out of hand
roll out the red carpet
rule out
run out
run out of patience
run out of town
run you out
rust out
sack out
scare the life out of me
scared out of my wits
school's out
sell out
set out
set out for
set out to
shape up or ship out
shell out
shit out of luck [B]
shoot it out
sign out
single out
skip out
slip out
smooth out
so small you had to back out to change your mind
spaced out
speak out
spell out
spread out
stand out
start out
step out of line
stick it out
stick my neck out
stick out like a sore thumb
stink the joint out
straighten you out
strike out (baseball)
strike out on your own
strung out
sweat it out
take a round out of
take him out
take it out on
take out
the bottom fell out
the cat's out of the bag
the in's and out's
throw out
throw the baby out with the bath water
time out
time ran out
tired out
try it out
try out
tuckered out
tune me out
turn out
vegetate (veg out)
wash out
watch out
watch out for
way out (away out)
way out of line (away out of line)
wear out
wear out your welcome
weed out
wipe out
word is out
work cut out for
work it out
work out
work things out
worn out
you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear
out of here (outa here)
out of sight (outa sight)
outdo yourself
the room is so small you have to go outside turn around
think outside the box
a bun in the oven
bun in the oven
all over but the shouting
all over hell's half acre
ass over teakettle
bend over backwards
blow me over
bowl me over
check over
crawl on my hands and knees over broken glass just to see her photo
cross over Jordan
cross over to the other side
cry over spilt milk
cup runneth over
death warmed over
drop over
eyes glaze over
fall head over heels
fork over
fuss over
game over
get it over with
get over
get your buns over here
gloss over
go over
hand over
hand over fist
hash it over
have you over
head over heels
hold that over my head
in over your head
invite you over
it ain't over till it's over
it ain't over till the fat lady sings
it's all over but the crying
it's all over but the shouting
it's over/ it's over with
knock me over with a feather
lay over
left over
look like death warmed over
look over
look over your shoulder
lord it over
mind over matter
move over
mull over
over and done with
over and out
over easy
over my dead body
over my head
over the edge
over the hill
over the hump
over the rainbow
over the top
over with
pop over
pull the wool over your eyes
rake you over the coals
read it over
roll over and play dead
start over
take over
talk it over
think over
tick over
tide me over
till hell freezes over
turn over a new leaf
warmed over
watch over
watch over like a mother hawk
what came over me
written all over your face
yonder over there
go overboard
overdo it
come into your own
cut your own throat
dig your own grave
do your own thing
each to his own
give him a taste of his own medicine
has a mind of his own
his own man
hold your own
mind of his own
mind your own business
on your own
own medicine
own up
own worst enemy
paddle your own canoe
strike out on your own
taste of his own...
to each his own
toot your own horn
under his own steam
your own worst enemy
prairie oyster
the world is your oyster
world is your oyster

Please note: Due to shortcomings of our index generator, all index keywords are lowercase.

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