A history of drinking water
Hi, Keri Phillips here, thanks for downloading this podcast of Rear Vision. We're continuing our 'Best of Summer Series' with the story of something most of us take for granted
(Excerpt from The Story of Warragamba Dam) "As far back as 1880, surveyors, engineers and geologists of the Sydney Water Board explored the mountain ranges, looking for the greatest rain catchment area, and the place to build a dam, a dam to back up, to store enough water, so that never again would the people of Sydney go short, not even during the longest, driest summer. After investigating many sites within a reasonable distance of Sydney, the engineers finally decided on the deep Warragamba Gorge."
Keri Phillips: The very proper voice-over from a 1949 documentary about the Warragamba Dam, the main source of Sydney's water supply. Most of us in the big cities of the developed world don't think twice about our water supply, unless perhaps water restrictions are applied during a drought. Today on Rear Vision we'll track the remarkable advances in water engineering that make that assumption possible, beginning with the great gravity-fed water system of ancient Rome.
Professor David Sedlak is co-director of the Berkeley Water Center, and director of the Institute for Environmental Science and Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley.
David Sedlak: The reason that ancient Rome is so important for modern drinking water systems is that it was the first big city that needed an external water supply. That is, by about 300 BC Rome had a population in excess of half a million people, and so they couldn't just rely on their rivers or their local groundwater. And so they built an intricate system of canals for importing water and pipes for distributing water all around the city, and that's essentially the internal workings of the modern system that we use today.
James Salzman: Absolutely. I mean, the Romans really are one of the great hydraulic empires.
Keri Phillips: Professor Jim Salzman from Duke University is the author of Drinking Water: A History.
James Salzman: If you go to Italy nowadays it's still very much a water culture. You find fountains, drinking fountains really in almost any town square. And the Romans had a few innovations that really have stood the test of time. The first of course everyone knows are the aqueducts. And there had been other aqueducts in other cultures in ancient times but the Romans really brought it to a new level, in part because of their technology with cement. But if you think about it, it's quite remarkable the water engineering that was built 2,000, 2,500 years ago, not only is it structurally sound today but it's still beautiful. And the engineering involved to maintain the declines so water kept flowing down is still amazing as well.
So, as I said, the Romans had two great innovations. The first was this notion of the aqueducts, where you could bring water from far away, and of course that's important because once you get a settled community, the water that is nearby gets contaminated and so the local sources of water become problematic. So they are able to bring water from far away.
The second thing, and this was really the great Roman insight, was they realised you need not only bring in water to drink and for other uses, but you also need water to flush away the wastes, and the Romans were the first to create sewers, and they called it the cloaca maxima. And that really is what allowed the Roman cities to grow to such large populations. What's interesting is after the Roman Empire fell, 500 AD, 600 AD, the idea of sewers was essentially lost to Europe for about 1,300 years.
Keri Phillips: The advances in technology that ultimately produced safe drinking water in the cities of the modern world accompanied the Industrial Revolution in Europe, although one of them was in the field of medicine, not water engineering.
James Salzman: So the central character in this story is a man named John Snow who is quite a remarkable figure. He was a doctor, he was a self-made Yorkshireman. Snow was convinced that cholera, which was a terrible scourge throughout the 19th century and before, he was convinced it was a waterborne disease but he couldn't prove cholera was waterborne until there was an incident in 1854 in the region of London called Soho and there was a big cholera outbreak.
Snow took advantage of the fact that there had been a law passed about a decade earlier that required for the very first time for data to be taken on people who had died. Prior to that it was very much like Monty Python's 'bring out your dead', once you are dead, you were gone, and no one really had any trace of who you had been. But Snow went to the records office and on a map he actually plotted where everyone who had died, where they are actually lived, where their habitation was. And what he found was there was a concentration of people around a particular pump in Soho. It's the first use of epidemiology of public health in history. And it was concentrated.
So that was helpful but there was a problem, the problem was that two people had died of cholera who didn't live anywhere near Soho. But Snow was a very careful researcher, so he actually went to visit the son of one of the women who had died and he was commiserating with her, and the son mentioned that his mother actually had lived in Soho and so loved the water there that she sent her servant once a week to collect water. So Snow starts getting very interested and says, 'Anything else happen recently?' And it turns out that this person's aunt also had died recently of cholera and in fact had been to visit his mother and they had shared the water together when they had last been there. So Snow goes with this to the public authorities, the pump is shut down, and this is really the first example in history of public action being taken to shut down a waterborne disease.
Keri Phillips: The growth of the big industrial cities brought with it the challenge of providing clean water and led to the great breakthrough, the idea of treating water to make it safe to drink.
David Sedlak: That's absolutely true, Keri. The growth of European cities echoed what happened during the Roman times when suddenly you had cities with populations exceeding a half-million once again, and an inability to provide them with an adequate water supply from the local rivers or the local groundwater. And so they dusted off the plans for the Roman version of water systems, but they did it with the tools and technologies of the Industrial Revolution.
Keri Phillips: Well, certainly they didn't have to just use gravity, did they, they had engines.
David Sedlak: And those engines allowed them to pressurise the water and deliver water not just to the town square but into buildings and taking it up several flights of stairs. And that kind of created the next big problem for water systems and that was the fact that people were now able to use that water inside for baths and for toilets. And all of that dirty water had to go somewhere, and it went back into the drinking water supply downstream of the city. And so one of the main engineering challenges was to make that water safe to drink or to bring in clean water from other places. And largely the problem of contaminated drinking water supplies was solved by bringing in water from pristine sources, that is building large canals from above the city or making canals come in from the mountains.
But there were a few places where the problem of contaminated water was solved by actually treating the water, and that really started this movement towards drinking water treatment as a means to alleviate waterborne disease.
Keri Phillips: David Sedlak says that the earliest type of water treatment was very simple.
David Sedlak: The foundations of drinking water treatment were lain at the end of the 19th century. So in parts of Europe, technology known as riverbank filtration was used, and essentially this means instead of pumping water directly out of the river, you put in a line of wells in the sand next to the river and you pump those wells. And that process of pulling the water through the sand adjacent to the riverbank filtered out some of the waterborne pathogens that made people sick. And so along the Rhine River many of the German cities came up with this form of water treatment before the modern water treatment plant was developed.
But the real basis for clean drinking water arose at the very end of the 19th century and the start of the 20th century. That is, around the turn-of-the-century, engineers working at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, at their Lawrence Experimental Station in Massachusetts, developed a technology called the slow sand filter. And the slow sand filter was exactly the same idea as riverbank filtration but it could be done anywhere. You didn't have to have a sandbank next to the river. And it's a surprisingly simple idea of just allowing water to slowly percolate through a bed of sand. And that turns out to be good enough to remove a lot of the waterborne pathogens from contaminated supply.
Keri Phillips: Within a few years, there was an even greater breakthrough in water treatment.
David Sedlak: There had been attempts in the 19th century to use chlorine as a way to purify or clean water, but it really didn't become commonplace until the first decade of the 20th century. So first in a city in Belgium where they had disease outbreaks and they wanted to maintain the reputation as a spa where people could go to become healthy. And then later on the first large drinking water treatment plant for purifying water with chlorine was actually used in the stockyards of Chicago to purify the water supply for the cattle so they wouldn't get sick before they got slaughtered. And so chlorine was first tried in this experimental way, and when they found that it worked so well it rapidly spread to drinking water treatment plants all over the world.
Keri Phillips: So in the cities of the developed world, we have water that's safe to drink, but what's in it?
David Sedlak: The content of the water that comes out of our taps is as varied as the kinds of water that flow down our rivers and that we find in our lakes. So in some cities the water has very low salt content and has a wonderful taste. And in other places, especially in arid climates, the water picks up a lot of salt as it makes its way to the drinking water reservoir or the drinking water treatment plant, and it has a salty taste, and that's one of the tastes that people find objectionable when they drink water.
Keri Phillips: Is there much variation in how much chlorine is added to city water in the developed world?
David Sedlak: There's quite a bit of variation in chlorine concentrations and it depends upon how far the water has to travel from the drinking water treatment plant to the tap and the condition of the water lines. And so the places where you find a high concentration of chlorine in the tap water are usually the cities that are struggling with leaks into their system or long distances between the drinking water treatment plant and the tap. So, many cities have high levels of chlorine because they want to make sure that there's always a little bit of chlorine, even at the furthest locations from the treatment plant.
And still other cities around the world don't add any chlorine to the water and manage to keep the water safe as it travels from the drinking water treatment plant to your home. So, for example, Zurich in Switzerland and Berlin in Germany are two cities where they ozonate the water and they don't need to add chlorine after the ozonation process, and so the water there has absolutely no chlorine taste.
Keri Phillips: Given the safety of urban water supplies, one of the most curious developments in recent decades is the bottled water industry.
James Salzman: It's quite remarkable. I grew up in the 1970s, and if I had gone to a petrol station and asked for water, they would have pointed me outside to the hose that they used to fill the radiator. The notion that you would be selling water in a bottle would have been seen as ridiculous as selling air in a bottle. Yet that changes dramatically in the late 1970s, largely because of Perrier and its hugely successful marketing campaign that happened at the same time as this huge fitness craze, as aerobics and running and everything else. And soon after that the major bottling companies—Coke, Pepsi, Nestlé—all get into the business and they've got access to the mass distribution channels. And so now all of a sudden alongside the sodas and the juices you've also got bottled waters, which have huge, huge mark-ups compared to the actual cost it takes to produce it.
There has been a lot of research on why people drink bottled water. It comes down to three basic motivations. One of them is it's trendy, it's cool. That's certainly less the case now than it used to be. Second, which I think is really important, is convenience. Certainly in the States, drinking fountains in some respects are becoming as scarce as pay telephones. The reason for that I think goes into the idea that this generation right now thinks of water basically as a commodity. People don't bat an eye when they have to…when they are thirsty, they go and pay a few bucks for a bottle of water. That certainly was not the case 20, 30 years ago. So people's conceptions of what water is have changed as well.
And the third reason is that people are concerned about the safety of tap water. And there I think there really has been…I won't call it deception, but the fact is that there have been a lot of studies that have been done and it's generally the case that tap water is as clean or cleaner than bottled water. Certainly in head to head taste tests, tap water almost always beats bottled water.
Keri Phillips: While water engineers were finding ways to make drinking water safe, waste water was often simply dumped in rivers and oceans. That too would change over the 20th century.
James Salzman: If we look back historically, until really the early 20th century, the way that we dealt with waste water was dilution. We basically just pumped it somewhere and hoped it went away. And obviously if you consider germ theory that's not a great plan. It's an even worse plan if you live downstream of a city that's doing that, which certainly was the case in the US with the Mississippi.
And so what happened in time was people realised this was not a viable option, and so what you start is basically the evolution of different waste water treatment technologies. And so you basically have what are called primary, secondary and tertiary treatment. Primary treatment…there are wonderful euphemisms, and this is why I love being around waste water engineers…so primary treatment essentially is a settling pond. And the folks who work there will tell you you've got sinkers and you've got floaters, and you basically skim off the top, you skim off the bottom, and that becomes sewage sludge.
Secondary treatment is bugs. And any time you take off from an airport, if you look down you are likely to see either these big circular pools or rectangular pools, because where else would you build something that no one else wants to live near. And that's secondary treatment, and basically they've got bugs in there that are breaking down the components.
Tertiary treatment is less common because it's more expensive but that's much more state-of-the-art. So that would be things like carbon filtration, ozonation, basically you bubble ozone which kills things, ultraviolet treatment. And that really is more the state-of-the-art. Generally certainly a place like down under, certainly in the States, primary and secondary will be required, and in some areas tertiary as well.
Keri Phillips: This is Rear Vision on RN, online, by podcast through iTunes and by mobile on the ABC radio app. Today we're hearing the story of something those of us who live in the cities in the developed world mostly take for granted; safe drinking water.
While the Australian part of this story is not markedly different from developments in the US and Europe, Chris Davis, a long-time urban water engineer, says that Australia's water sources are mostly well protected from contamination.
Chris Davis: Australia's water supplies are basically surface water run-off from suitable catchments within reach of communities. Many other countries around the world have groundwater as a main source, but for Australia only about 20% of the water we derive comes from groundwater, and most of the rest is from surface run-off.
Keri Phillips: Does that mean we rely a lot on dams?
Chris Davis: Yes, it does. We were very lucky in that the forefathers in our major cities of Sydney and Melbourne and to some extent Perth, protected large areas of catchments within reach of the cities so that uncontaminated water could be stored and delivered under gravity down to the city's supply. So it was a very cost effective way to set up the system.
Keri Phillips: Does that mean we don't have to treat our tap water very much?
Chris Davis: The only city that doesn't really do much at all in the way of treatment is Melbourne. They have big forested areas that are out of bounds to anybody at all, and the water that comes off that is very pristine and it has been tested epidemiologically as well as chemically, and that has only had some chlorine added to make sure that there is no contamination in the pipe system, otherwise it is not treated at all. But all the other cities have water treatment plants just to make sure that any pathogens that in the water are removed before there is any chance of them entering the system.
Keri Phillips: Like many other places, Australia's big water challenge is drought, and the threat to water supplies through lack of rain or melting snow is always in the news somewhere. At the moment, there's a water supply crisis in Brazil's largest city, Sao Paulo, and California is struggling in its fourth year of drought. Prompted by the severe drought in Australia between 1997 and 2009, state governments began building desalination plants that purify seawater.
Journalist [archival]: Sydney dam levels are at their highest level for three years, but it hasn't stopped the New South Wales Premier Morris Iemma from going ahead with a desalination plant in Sydney's south.
Journalist [archival]: Once operational, the Kurnell plant aims to produce as much as 15% of Sydney's water supply.
Journalist [archival]: A desalination plant will be built under the Victorian government's $5 billion plan to secure Melbourne's water supplies.
Steve Bracks [archival]: Whether it rains or not, our cities and towns will now have the right solution, the right solution for the long term.
James Salzman: So there are two basic strategies to get more drinking water. One of them is efficiency. If we use less water we've got more to go around. And the most promising strategy to address that is called water reuse. To a certain extent that's a bit misleading, but the basic idea is you take water that is coming out of a wastewater plant that has been treated and put it back into the pipes. In general that's a hard sell, and it's a hard sell because of what people in the business called the 'yuck factor'. People don't really want to drink water that a few days ago was going down someone's toilet, even though if you look chemically it's perfectly safe to drink.
And so different cities have tried to address this in different ways. Singapore had this ad campaign for what they called 'new water', and they basically brought school groups to the treatment plants and such, and so that seems to have been somewhat effective. Other cities, including Orange County in the United States, what they do is they take the wastewater that's treated and they pump it underground into an aquifer, but out of the same aquifer they are taking water out to be treated for drinking water. But somehow in people's minds, the idea that the water is coming from the ground instead of from a wastewater treatment plant, that makes it more acceptable. I think we are going to see a lot more of that.
The second approach to the problem of scarcity of drinking water is to generate more sources, generate more water, and desalination is by far the most promising approach to that, and Australia really has been a leader in addressing that issue. But there are challenges. So for one thing, you've got the seawater, which seems essentially infinite in terms of the amount we want to use the drinking water, but essentially you need a lot of energy to get the salt out of the water, and so that's a concern, particularly climate change.
So, for example, in Sydney they've been relying on a wind farm to provide a lot of that energy, to try to keep it if not carbon neutral at least close to carbon neutral. The second challenge that one has to face is the by-product of desalination is very, very salty water, it's called brine. Where are you going to put it? There are ecological consequences if you simply dump it into the bay because the local ecology isn't used to water with such a high salt content.
And the third challenge I think in some respects over the longer term may be the greatest and that is water is heavy and it doesn't flow uphill. And so moving it can be quite expensive. So this remarkable statistic that I came across; in the state of California, 20% of all the electricity that's used is used for moving water, 20 per cent of the state's electricity goes to moving water around. And so desalination might work fine for a place like Sydney but if you are going to go inland that's going to really change the equation.
Keri Phillips: Australia has come some distance down the water recycling path since an attempt to introduce it in Toowoomba in Queensland was lost in a referendum in 2006.
Journalist [archival]: Where to now for the Queensland city of Toowoomba, which has a major looming water crisis but has voted against a plan to recycle its sewerage.
Reporter [archival]: Denice Reeves didn't want her children drinking recycled sewage and was among the 60% of people from Toowoomba who voted no.
Denice Reeves [archival]: I'd just simply…my answer to you is that simply I don't want it. Anything that starts with effluent and ends in water isn't something I want.
Chris Davis: Toowoomba was a really sad story because the city was trying to do the right thing, they kept the community informed, they consulted the community, they designed a system that they would use as a demonstration, and they got all ready to do this, and the federal government offered them a large sum of money, provided they had a referendum before they started work.
And a group calling itself CADS, Citizens Against Drinking Sewage (which of course is a marvellously level-headed title), sprung up and got some funding from a local wealthy person and a very vitriolic campaign against all the proponents and against the Lord Mayor or the Mayor of Toowoomba was mounted. The referendum was held and it was narrowly lost, but that scared everybody and it just serves as a sad example of what can go wrong.
Journalist [archival]: The Water Corporation's wastewater treatment plant in Craigie has been opened to the public in a move to reinforce its message the water is safe to drink. More than 150 people toured the plant to see how water from their showers, washing machines and toilets is purified before it is pumped deep underground to mix with groundwater.
WA water official [archival]: We are doing everything we can to make sure that the facts are out there so that people who have concerns can at least understand the factual issues and then use that to decide whether or not they still have a concern.
Chris Davis: What has happened in Perth is a great example of a lateral way to tackle the problem. Perth derives a lot of its water from aquifers, sandy underground water storage areas, and what they do is that they treat their sewage to a very high quality, better in fact than most drinking water, and having done that they inject it into an aquifer, and the aquifer then conveys the water out across the countryside and it can be pulled out through wells one kilometre or so downstream, as it were. And that enables you to produce a water that's guaranteed to be of such a high quality you can use it for whichever purpose you might need without having to have the double pipe system or the extra treatment or anything like that. So that's a great example because many towns and many governments have been cautious about using what we call potable recycling, and they are all holding back. So the fact that Perth has developed a very rigorous trial and demonstration period is a marvellous example for the rest of the country.
Recycling is admired almost universally by people, as long as they don't have anything to do with the water itself. I suppose it's understandable in a way but it's a little bit irrational. But the statistics are improving. So there are ongoing surveys and group discussions or forums amongst citizens, and the number or the proportion that is willing to accept potable reuse is gradually creeping up and up. And I'm hoping that it will get to the point where it's universally adopted down the track.
Keri Phillips: Now that we can recycle and desalinate water, should we think about our urban tap water as an infinite resource?
James Salzman: Water is a finite resource in the sense that we have a certain amount on the planet. We are not getting any new water. In fact the vast majority of fresh water is locked up in the ice caps. In a practical sense though, and you certainly understand this well in Australia, drought is a real concern in some areas. And so there are two issues one needs to think about with that. The first is the amount of water we consume for drinking is tiny, a tiny fraction. The vast majority of water in most areas is consumed by agriculture.
That said, because the systems we've set up basically treat all municipal water as though it's going to be drunk—so we use drinking water to flush our toilets, we use drinking water to fill our car radiators, we use drinking water to fill our swimming pools, that's the way our systems were set up—there's a real conflict that is developing in many countries between large water users, either industrial or agricultural, and municipal. Climate change is only going to increase those tensions.
The main point I would make is that we take the quality of our drinking water for granted. We don't generally think about…in fact generally we don't think, we take it for granted that the quality is fine, the quantity we don't really think about, it's so cheap, and it's not a personal responsibility. And for most of human history, and I mean the vast majority of human history, that has not been the case, and it's not the case frankly in much of the world today. And so in Australia, in the States, in Canada, in Europe, we really are living in a remarkable time in terms of the history of drinking water, and yet we take it completely for granted.
David Sedlak: Throughout history water was viewed as a finite resource. That is, if you were in a city, your lakes and rivers and groundwater supply could only provide you so much water in a given year, and when you considered the fact that you had to plan for drought years, it really did seem to be a limited and finite resource. And with the technologies that we've developed in the 20th century, we are able to expand that resource considerably. So in some sense our ability to extract fresh water out of the ocean has vastly increased the amount of available water. But that process of accessing seawater or recycling waste water comes at a cost. It might come in terms of an energy cost which translates to more greenhouse gas emissions, or it might come at a cost to the environment with disposing of all the salts that we produce and the process of taking them out of waste water or out of seawater. And so for us, water is still a finite resource, but with enough money and enough electricity we can greatly expand that. I think the problem that we face now is figuring out how to make water a sustainable resource.
Keri Phillips: That's environmental engineer David Sedlak, the author of Water 4.0: The Past, Present and Future of the World's Most Vital Resource. We also heard Jim Salzman, the author of Drinking Water: A History, and Chris Davis, the editor of the Australian Water Association's 50 Years of Water in Australia. If you'd like to have a look at it, I've put a link to this short history on the Rear Vision web page for this story.
Judy Rapley is the sound engineer for today's Rear Vision. I'm Keri Phillips. Thanks for listening and bye for now.
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