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The Ballad of Black Tom
Narrated by Kevin R. Free
Written by Victor LaValle
ESL English Listening :: Adult Literacy

"People who move to New York ... come looking for magic, whether evil or good, and nothing will convince them it isn’t here."

A wondrous modern fable, The Ballad of Black Tom is the story of Charles Thomas Tester, a small time hustler in New York in the 1920s. He deals in magic and helps his poor, crippled father live as comfortably as possible. Soon he meets someone who promises riches and power, but what does Tom have to give up to get these riches?

In The Ballad of Black Tom we have a Lovecraftian novella, written by a phenomenal black writer. It's set in the 20's which was not exactly the best time to be a black person in this country.

Nominated for a Hugo, Nebula, and Shirley Jackson Awards.

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