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Coming Up For Air
Narrated by Jonathan Oliver
Written by George Orwell  (1939)

George Bowling, an insurance salesman, hits middle age and feels impelled to "come up for air" from his life of quiet desperation. With seventeen pounds he has won at a race, he steals a vacation from his wife and family and pays a visit to Lower Binfield, the village where he grew up, to fish for carp in a pool he remembers from thirty years before. But the pool is gone, Lower Binfield has changed beyond recognition, and the principal event of Bowling's holiday is an accidental bombing by the RAF.

Bowling's everyman life provides a sort of cavalcade of England from 1893 to 1938. Written when the clouds of World War II were already gathering, this story of Bowling's journey into his own and his country's past is told with humor, warmth, and nostalgia that will surprise and delight George Orwell's many readers.

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★ George Orwell was also the author of Animal Farm and 1984.

The audio and text presented here is formatted for the exclusive and non-profit purpose of teaching English as a Second Language (ESL), also called English Language Learning (ELL)
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