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Cards on the Table
Narrated by Hugh Fraser
Written by Agatha Christie
ESL English Listening :: Adult Literacy Four murderers - successful ones who have gotten away with it - are invited to dinner by Mr Shaitana, a rich eccentric who collects only the best - including collections of people. To the same dinner party this Shaitana invites four specialists in crime - a policeman, a man in the Secret Service, a writer of detective novels and of course our protagonist, Hercule Poirot. The dinner is excellent and although Shaitana makes some remarks which seem to provoke his quartet of murderers.

After dinner, a game of bridge is arranged. Shaitana directs the four detectives to one room while the other four guests play in a separate room. The host says he does not like the game so sits in an armchair and dozes by the fire in the room where the four possible murderers are playing.

When the guests prepare to leave later, it is discovered that Shaitana has been fatally stabbed at some point in the evening. All four detectives investigate this murder in their own way.

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